Tuesday, March 25, 2014

{happy birthday momma}

Wow, so much has happened in the last couple of years of my life.
  I have two beautiful children and a wonderful life in Dunlap, Illinois.
  My life is so different from what I had imagined when I was young, but I am very grateful for all the blessings I have.  I have been very busy with my calling in the Primary Presidency along with trying to have another baby.  I have not written as much and have really gotten behind in updating pictures and such because there has been so much going on in my life!  We have been trying for a couple of years to have another child.  We are in the process of trying to conceive through an IUI procedure.  I already have tried surgery and also been on a medicine called Clomed for six months.  We are now being seen by an infertility specialist here in Peoria.  I am really hoping we will have at least one more child, but I feel at peace knowing that God is truly looking over me and my family and cares what happens in my life.  It might not be exactly as I would have chosen, but I lead a very blessed life.  These couple of years have changed how I view my situation.  I thought I would be heartbroken for the rest of my life if I only had a few children instead of the big family I imagined when I was young.  Now I am so grateful I have two precious little ones and will feel so blessed if the Lord gives me just one more!!!  
Now, here are some of my birthday pictures!

I am also tagging on this post a picture of Eliza at the ER.  She was so sick and in so much pain from a very extended stomach (I have never see anything like it ever!).  The picture is of her in a toga I made out of a sheet...let's just say things came out in a hurry and there was a big mess...what a long night! 

I am also including some pictures that the kids took of Easter starting to be put up...I love decorating for the holidays.  I am so glad the kids captured some pictures at the Illinois Eye Center because I swear I have spent more time there than anywhere in Peoria.  With a small child in glasses there are constant adjustments and repairs and new glasses!

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