Wednesday, April 24, 2013

{questions for mother's day}

(Henry John Dea, 5 years old)

What is your mom's name?
Memorie Elizabeth Dea

How old is your mom?

What year was she born?
2000..I don't know

What's your favorite thing she cooks?

How does your mom spend most of her day?
Cuddling Eliza

My mom is the best at...
taking care of her kids

The thing I hear my mom say the most is...
not today, maybe tomorrow!

My favorite thing to do with my mom is...
cuddle with her

I know my mom loves me because...
she is nice to me

I love my mom because...
then he thought about it and said, because I love her

My mom always smiles when...
she's happy

My mom is happiest when...
we go to the Bloomington Museum.

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